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after(long, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that will invalidate objects that are older than the given lower bound, before they get older than the upper bound, in the given time unit.
after(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that will invalidate objects that are older than the exact provided span of time in the given unit.
allocate(Slot) - Method in interface stormpot.Allocator
Create a fresh new instance of T for the given slot.
Allocator<T extends Poolable> - Interface in stormpot
An Allocator is responsible for the creation and destruction of Poolable objects.
apply(Timeout, Function<T, R>) - Method in class stormpot.PoolTap
Claim an object from the pool and apply the given function to it, returning the result and releasing the object back to the pool.
await(Timeout) - Method in interface stormpot.Completion
Causes the current thread to wait until the completion is finished, or the thread is interrupted, or the specified waiting time elapses.


BasePoolable - Class in stormpot
A basic implementation of the Poolable interface, which can be extended directly.
BasePoolable(Slot) - Constructor for class stormpot.BasePoolable
Build a BasePoolable for the given slot.
build() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Build a Pool instance based on the collected configuration.


claim(Timeout) - Method in class stormpot.PoolTap
Claim the exclusive rights until released, to an object in the pool.
clone() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Returns a shallow copy of this PoolBuilder object.
close() - Method in class stormpot.Pooled
Pooled implements AutoCloseable as a convenient way to release claimed objects back to the pool, using the try-with-resources syntax.
Completion - Interface in stormpot
A Completion represents some task that is going to be completed at some point in the future, or maybe already has completed.


deallocate(T) - Method in interface stormpot.Allocator
Deallocate, if applicable, the given Poolable and free any resources associated with it.


equals(Object) - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Timeouts of equivalent duration are equal, even if they were constructed with different units.
every(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that is composed of a time-based expiration and this one, such that this expiration is only consulted at most once within a time period based on the given fromTime and toTime brackets.
every(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that is composed of a time-based expiration and this one, such that this expiration is only consulted at most once within the given time period.
Expiration<T extends Poolable> - Interface in stormpot
The expiration is used to determine if a given slot has expired, or otherwise become invalid.
expire() - Method in class stormpot.BasePoolable
Explicitly expire this object, such that it will not be claimed again once it is released.
expire(Poolable) - Method in interface stormpot.Slot
Mark the object represented by this slot as expired.


from(Allocator<T>) - Static method in class stormpot.Pool
Get a PoolBuilder based on the given Allocator or Reallocator, which can then in turn be used to build a Pool instance with the desired configuration.
fromInline(Allocator<T>) - Static method in class stormpot.Pool
Get a PoolBuilder based on the given Allocator or Reallocator, which can then in turn be used to build a Pool operating in the <em>inline</em> mode, with the desired configuration.
fromThreaded(Allocator<T>) - Static method in class stormpot.Pool
Get a PoolBuilder based on the given Allocator or Reallocator, which can then in turn be used to build a <em>threaded</em> Pool instance with the desired configuration.


getAgeMillis() - Method in interface stormpot.SlotInfo
Get the approximate number of milliseconds that have transpired since the object was allocated.
getAllocationCount() - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Return the number of objects the pool has allocated since it was created.
getAllocationFailureLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed allocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getAllocationFailureLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed allocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getAllocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate Poolable object allocation latency value, in milliseconds, of the given percentile/quantile of the values recorded so far.
getAllocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate Poolable object allocation latency value, in milliseconds, of the given percentile/quantile of the values recorded so far.
getAllocator() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the configured Allocator instance.
getBackgroundExpirationCheckDelay() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Return the default approximate delay, in milliseconds, between background maintenance tasks, such as the background expiration checks and retrying failed allocations.
getBaseUnit() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Get the unit of precision for the underlying clock, that is used by Timeout.getDeadline() and Timeout.getTimeLeft(long).
getClaimCount() - Method in interface stormpot.SlotInfo
Get the number of times the object has been claimed since it was allocated.
getDeadline() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated because it encourages code that is susceptible to overflow bugs.
getDeallocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for deallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getDeallocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for deallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getExpiration() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the configured Expiration instance.
getFailedAllocationCount() - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Return the number of allocations that has failed, either because the allocator threw an exception or because it returned null, since the pool was created.
getLeakedObjectsCount() - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
If the pool is capable of precise object leak detection, this method will return the number of object leaks that have been detected, and prevented, since the pool was created.
getManagedPool() - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Get the ManagedPool instance that represents this pool.
getMetricsRecorder() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the configured MetricsRecorder instance, or null if none has been configured.
getObjectLifetimePercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate object lifetime, in milliseconds, for the given percentile/quantile.
getObjectLifetimePercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate object lifetime, in milliseconds, for the given percentile/quantile.
getPoolable() - Method in interface stormpot.SlotInfo
Get the Poolable object represented by this SlotInfo instance.
getReallocationFailureLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getReallocationFailurePercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getReallocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getReallocationLatencyPercentile(double) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
getReallocator() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the configured Allocator instance as a Reallocator.
getSize() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the currently configured size.
getStamp() - Method in interface stormpot.SlotInfo
Get the stamp value that has been set on this SlotInfo, or 0 if none has been set since the Poolable was allocated.
getTargetSize() - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Get the current target size of the pool.
getTargetSize() - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Get the currently configured target size of the pool.
getThreadFactory() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Get the ThreadFactory that has been configured, and will be used to create the background allocation threads for the pools.
getThreadLocalTap() - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Get a PoolTap that only support access by one thread at a time.
getThreadSafeTap() - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Get a thread-safe PoolTap implementation for this pool, which can be freely shared among multiple threads.
getTimeLeft(long) - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This method is deprecated because it encourages code that is susceptible to overflow bugs.
getTimeout() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Get the timeout value in terms of the unit.
getTimeoutInBaseUnit() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Get the timeout value in terms of the base unit.
getUnit() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout
Get the unit for the timeout value.


hasExpired(SlotInfo<? extends T>) - Method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Test whether the Slot and Poolable object, represented by the given SlotInfo object, is still valid, or if the pool should deallocate it and allocate a replacement.
hashCode() - Method in class stormpot.Timeout


isBackgroundExpirationEnabled() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Return whether or not background expiration is enabled.
isPreciseLeakDetectionEnabled() - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Return whether or not precise object leak detection is enabled, which is the case by default.
isShutDown() - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Returns 'true' if the shut down process has been started on this pool, 'false' otherwise.


ManagedPool - Interface in stormpot
This is the JMX management interface for Stormpot object pools.
MetricsRecorder - Interface in stormpot
A MetricsRecorder implementation supplies the pool with the ability to record and report operational metrics.


never() - Static method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that never invalidates any objects.


object - Variable in class stormpot.Pooled
The object managed by this pooled instance.
of(T...) - Static method in class stormpot.Pool
Build a Pool instance that pools the given set of objects.
or(Expiration<T>) - Method in interface stormpot.Expiration
Construct a new Expiration that will invalidate objects if either this, or the given expiration, considers an object expired.


Pool<T extends Poolable> - Class in stormpot
A Pool is a self-renewable set of objects from which one can claim exclusive access to elements, until they are released back into the pool.
Poolable - Interface in stormpot
Objects contained in a Pool must implement the Poolable interface and adhere to its contract.
PoolBuilder<T extends Poolable> - Class in stormpot
The PoolBuilder collects information about how big a pool should be, and how it should allocate objects, an so on, and finally acts as the factory for building the pool instances themselves, with the PoolBuilder.build() method.
Pooled<T> - Class in stormpot
A reference to a pooled object.
Pooled(Slot, T) - Constructor for class stormpot.Pooled
Create a pooled object for the given slot and object to be pooled.
PoolException - Exception in stormpot
The PoolException may be thrown by a pool implementation in a number of circumstances:
PoolException(String) - Constructor for exception stormpot.PoolException
Construct a new PoolException with the given message.
PoolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception stormpot.PoolException
Construct a new PoolException with the given message and cause.
PoolTap<T extends Poolable> - Class in stormpot
A PoolTap provides the API for accessing objects in a Pool.


reallocate(Slot, T) - Method in interface stormpot.Reallocator
Possibly reallocate the given instance of T for the given slot, and return it if the reallocation was successful, or a fresh replacement if the instance could not be reallocated.
Reallocator<T extends Poolable> - Interface in stormpot
Reallocators are a special kind of Allocator that can reallocate Poolables that have expired.
recordAllocationFailureLatencySampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record a latency sample of a failed allocation, in milliseconds.
recordAllocationLatencySampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record a latency sample of a successful allocation, in milliseconds.
recordDeallocationLatencySampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record a latency sample of a deallocation, in milliseconds.
recordObjectLifetimeSampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record an object lifetime sample, in milliseconds.
recordReallocationFailureLatencySampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record a latency sample of a failed reallocation, in milliseconds.
recordReallocationLatencySampleMillis(long) - Method in interface stormpot.MetricsRecorder
Record a latency sample of a successful reallocation, in milliseconds.
release() - Method in class stormpot.BasePoolable
release() - Method in interface stormpot.Poolable
Release this Poolable object back into the pool from where it came, so that others can claim it, or the pool deallocate it if it has expired.
release(Poolable) - Method in interface stormpot.Slot
Signal to the pool that the currently claimed object in this slot has been released.


setAllocator(Allocator<X>) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the Allocator or Reallocator to use for the pools we want to configure.
setBackgroundExpirationCheckDelay(int) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the approximate delay, in milliseconds, between background maintenance tasks.
setBackgroundExpirationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Enable or disable background object expiration checking.
setExpiration(Expiration<? super T>) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the Expiration to use for the pools we want to configure.
setMetricsRecorder(MetricsRecorder) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the MetricsRecorder to use for the pools we want to configure.
setPreciseLeakDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Enable or disable precise object leak detection.
setSize(int) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the size of the pool we are building.
setStamp(long) - Method in interface stormpot.SlotInfo
Set the stamp value on this SlotInfo.
setTargetSize(int) - Method in interface stormpot.ManagedPool
Set a new target size of the pool.
setTargetSize(int) - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Set the target size for this pool.
setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Method in class stormpot.PoolBuilder
Set the ThreadFactory that the pools will use to create its background threads with.
shutdown() - Method in class stormpot.Pool
Initiate the shut down process on this pool, and return a Completion instance representing the shut down procedure.
slot - Variable in class stormpot.BasePoolable
The Slot representing this objects place in the pool.
Slot - Interface in stormpot
A Slot represents a location in a Pool where objects can be allocated into, so that they can be claimed and released.
SlotInfo<T extends Poolable> - Interface in stormpot
An informative interface, used by Expiration instances to determine if a slot has expired or is still invalid for claiming.
stormpot - module stormpot
stormpot - package stormpot
supply(Timeout, Consumer<T>) - Method in class stormpot.PoolTap
Claim an object from the pool and supply it to the given consumer, and then release it back to the pool.


Timeout - Class in stormpot
A Timeout represents the maximum amount of time a caller is willing to wait for a blocking operation to complete.
Timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class stormpot.Timeout
Construct a new timeout with the given value and unit.
Timeout(Duration) - Constructor for class stormpot.Timeout
Construct a new timeout with the given duration.
toString() - Method in class stormpot.Pooled
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