Module stormpot
Package stormpot

Interface ManagedPool

  • @MXBean
    public interface ManagedPool

    This is the JMX management interface for Stormpot object pools.

    Using this interface, pools can be exposed to external management as an MXBean. Since its an MXBean, and not just an MBean, it imposes no special requirements on 3rd party JMX integrators.

    Once you have created your pool, it is easy to expose it through the platform MBeanServer, or any MBeanServer you like:

        Pool<MyPoolable> pool = Pool.from(new MyAllocator()).build();
        MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
        ObjectName name = new ObjectName("com.myapp:objectpool=stormpot");
        server.registerMBean(pool.getManagedPool(), name);

    Using the platform MBeanServer will make the pool visible to tools like JConsole and VisualVM.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getAllocationCount()
      Return the number of objects the pool has allocated since it was created.
      double getAllocationFailureLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed allocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
      double getAllocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate Poolable object allocation latency value, in milliseconds, of the given percentile/quantile of the values recorded so far.
      double getDeallocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for deallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
      long getFailedAllocationCount()
      Return the number of allocations that has failed, either because the allocator threw an exception or because it returned null, since the pool was created.
      long getLeakedObjectsCount()
      If the pool is capable of precise object leak detection, this method will return the number of object leaks that have been detected, and prevented, since the pool was created.
      double getObjectLifetimePercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate object lifetime, in milliseconds, for the given percentile/quantile.
      double getReallocationFailureLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
      double getReallocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)
      Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.
      int getTargetSize()
      Get the current target size of the pool.
      boolean isShutDown()
      Returns 'true' if the shut down process has been started on this pool, 'false' otherwise.
      void setTargetSize​(int size)
      Set a new target size of the pool.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllocationCount

        long getAllocationCount()

        Return the number of objects the pool has allocated since it was created.

        The number of Poolable objects ever created by this pool.
      • getFailedAllocationCount

        long getFailedAllocationCount()

        Return the number of allocations that has failed, either because the allocator threw an exception or because it returned null, since the pool was created.

        The number of allocations that have failed for one reason or another.
      • getLeakedObjectsCount

        long getLeakedObjectsCount()

        If the pool is capable of precise object leak detection, this method will return the number of object leaks that have been detected, and prevented, since the pool was created. If the pool does not support precise object leak detection, then this method returns -1.

        There are two kinds of leaks: One where the application forgets to release an object back to the pool, but keeps a strong reference to the object, and another where the application not only forgets to release the object, but also looses the reference to the object, making it eligible for garbage collection. The precise leak detector will only count leaks of the latter kind, where the leaked object has been garbage collected.

        The number of objects leaked from the users of this pool, since the pool was created, or -1 if the pool does not implement precise leak detection.
      • setTargetSize

        void setTargetSize​(int size)

        Set a new target size of the pool.

        size - The new target size.
        See Also:
      • getTargetSize

        int getTargetSize()

        Get the current target size of the pool.

        The current target size.
        See Also:
      • isShutDown

        boolean isShutDown()

        Returns 'true' if the shut down process has been started on this pool, 'false' otherwise. This method does not reveal whether or not the shut down process has completed.

        'true' if Pool.shutdown() has been called on this pool.
      • getObjectLifetimePercentile

        double getObjectLifetimePercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate object lifetime, in milliseconds, for the given percentile/quantile.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate object lifetime in milliseconds, for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also:
      • getAllocationLatencyPercentile

        double getAllocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate Poolable object allocation latency value, in milliseconds, of the given percentile/quantile of the values recorded so far.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate latency for allocations in milliseconds, for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also:
      • getAllocationFailureLatencyPercentile

        double getAllocationFailureLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed allocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate latency for failed allocations in milliseconds, for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also:
      • getReallocationLatencyPercentile

        double getReallocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate latency for reallocations in milliseconds, for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also:
      • getReallocationFailureLatencyPercentile

        double getReallocationFailureLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for failed reallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate latency for failed reallocations in milliseconds, for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also:
      • getDeallocationLatencyPercentile

        double getDeallocationLatencyPercentile​(double percentile)

        Get the approximate latency value, in milliseconds, for deallocation latencies within the given percentile/quantile of what has been recorded so far.

        percentile - The percentile to get, as a decimal, e.g. a number between 0.0 and 1.0.
        The approximate latency for deallocations, regardless of whether the throw exceptions or not, in milliseconds for the given percentile, or Double.NaN if no MetricsRecorder has been configured for the pool.
        See Also: